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More Able Learners at Glenthorne are offered a varied and challenging curriculum that is tailored to suit their needs and to give them the best possible opportunity to gain a place at a leading university at the end of Year 13.  At Glenthorne, the setting is rigorous and reviewed regularly and systematically, while Subject Leaders endeavour to provide the most able with the very best opportunities to broaden their knowledge and understanding of their subject. 

Extra Challenge

Engaging and stretching high ability pupils is a priority for all teachers at Glenthorne.  Walk into any lesson, and you will find careful consideration given to the ‘Extra Challenge’ objective, with the more able in any teaching group expected to complete challenging extension work and differentiated homework. 

Master Classes

Each year, Subject Leaders put together an exceptional programme of Master Classes for more able learners in their subject.  These sessions include:

  • Workshops with authors in English
  • ‘Classroom Medics’ sessions for students with an interest in studying Medicine
  • Maths Circle lectures in collaboration with local grammar schools
  • A* revision sessions led by chief examiners in a variety of subjects
  • Composition workshops with professional composers in Music
The Core Group Academy

As part of our Oxbridge Pathway programme, the highest-attaining 10% of each year group join the Core Group Academy.  The group meet with their Assistant Head of Year each week to work on developing skills and knowledge that will be key to successful applications to Russell Group universities.  Core Group Academy pupils can expect to work on the following areas:

  • Debating
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Current affairs and global issues
  • Presentation skills
  • Demonstrating wider reading

Core Group Academy pupils have participated in some very successful projects, including the Year 9 group reaching the UK final of the Citizenship Foundation’s Magistrates Court Mock Bar Trial Competition and the Year 7 Core Group completing an intensive course in Mandarin Chinese.


Homework is key to academic success at Glenthorne.  Homework is an opportunity for research, independent learning and reflection.  Through homework, pupils are able to consolidate previous learning, gain valuable practice of key skills and concepts, and to prepare for future learning. 

Pupils at Glenthorne are set homework in each subject once per week (twice in English, Maths and Science).  The following time allocations outline how long pupils in each year group should spend on homework.

  • Year 7 & 8: 30 minutes per homework
  • Year 9: 40 minutes per homework
  • Year 10: 50 minutes per homework
  • Year 11: 60 minutes per homework 
  • Year 12 and 13 students are set one hour of homework for every hour of class time.

In addition to recording homework in their planners, pupils all have access to the school’s online portal FROG, where they can see details of all homework set along with copies of resources and due dates.  A homework timetable is published to ensure that homework from different subject areas are spread across the week and not all set on the same day.  Homework is differentiated, with an Extra Challenge task to stretch pupils to think more deeply about the subject matter.  Pupils will never be expected to print out resources at home and have access to first-rate computer facilities in our new school library before and after school to ensure that every child has adequate computer access.

 Glenthorne has held the prestigious Challenge Award since 2011, recognising excellence in our provision for More Able Learners. We have been successfully evaluated and re-accredited by The National Association for Able Children in Education four times in this period.

  • Our excellent MAL provision includes:
    • High quality, challenging Teaching and Learning for all, which exposes pupils to Powerful Knowledge and enables our pupils to achieve the highest academic grades.
    • GCSE Plus curriculum, which ensures that all learners access breadth and depth in their learning.
    • An excellent extra and super-curricular programme, which enables all pupils to explore and develop their personal interests, talents, and strengths outside the classroom, from Chess to Orchestra to Debating and even Artificial Intelligence...the list is endless.
    • A tailored weekly programme aimed at developing the skills and knowledge required for successful application to Russell Group Universities through our Core Academy Group.
    • Additional mentoring and pastoral support for MAL.
    • Opportunities to engage in national competitions such as The Mock Bar Trial, Debate, STEM, Maths Challenge etc...
    • Personalised careers advice and guidance to enable all pupils to have high aspirations and achieve them.

Our programme leads to the consistent achievement of excellent outcomes for all pupils, including our More Able Learners.

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