Inclusion - Tackling Discrimination and Bullying
Glenthorne High School is a diverse community which is proud to include pupils, staff and parents from a range of backgrounds. We work hard to ensure that every member of our school community feels safe and included. We are an inclusive school and every child, whatever their individual abilities, needs or background, is equally valued and welcome here. We expect all parents and visitors to understand and support our inclusive ethos. The school actively seeks the opinions of pupils and parents to ensure the school is inclusive for all pupils, staff and parents, and they feel equally welcomed in the school and the school responds to the views of pupils, staff and parents. The school regularly monitors the impact of its strategies on pupils, staff and parents.
The school ensures the curriculum is equally accessible for all pupils and that no pupils are disadvantaged in accessing the curriculum offered in the school. The school celebrates the diversity of the community through assemblies, special events and displays.
The school has a code of conduct based on respect, responsibility and honesty. We expect the whole school community to adhere to the code of conduct, so the community feels safe and supported and is able to work and learn in an environment which is free from intimidation and distraction.
The school has zero tolerance to bullying of any kind because anti-social behaviour affects anyone, and is unacceptable. We recognise that bullying can be perpetrated in a number of ways and in a number of different places and the school seeks to counter all of those.
The school has sought to create a positive culture of anti-bullying through consultation with pupils in the school council. The school council has devised an Anti-Bullying Code:
We expect all pupils to be kind to each other and to treat each other with respect. We do not tolerate any form of bullying and this is dealt with seriously. If any pupil is aware that bullying is going on, they must report it to the school for it to be dealt with.
In addition, the school council set out the expectation that pupils should always report any bullying through the acronym
- Say no to bullying and always respect others
- Tell an adult: your parents or a teacher
- Overcome fears but don’t retaliate
- Protect and support each other