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Curriculum Intent 

At Glenthorne, our core value of ‘Achievement for All’ is at the heart of everything we do. We establish the highest expectations of conduct, hard work and independent learning required outside the classroom for achievement and success. Our fundamental aim is to meet the needs of all our learners by providing an excellent, innovative & inclusive curriculum that exposes pupils to the unfamiliar and challenges, differentiates and supports each one to become confident individuals that have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be successful in further education, employment, training and in life. At Glenthorne High School, pupils will: 

  • Secure excellent academic outcomes 

  • Experience broad, deep and powerful knowledge-rich learning 

  • Participate in a wide range of extra and super-curricular learning 

  • Develop the qualities, skills and habits to ensure success in Future Education, Employment & Training 

  • Understand their cultural, social, moral and personal development 

A Broad, Deep and Knowledge-Rich Curriculum     

The curriculum at Glenthorne is far reaching, embracing everything that pupils experience at the school: from subject & PSHE lessons to tutor-time; performing arts provision to careers guidance; music enrichment to educational visits. The extra-curricular offer at all key stages is extensive, reflecting not only the school’s specialism in the Arts but the diverse interests of pupils at the school. Subject curricula are designed to incorporate the intent and implementation of the of the whole-school vision while reflecting the demands and uniqueness of each subject. Subject leaders and department teams liaise closely in the design of their subject curriculum. This is an ongoing process that is discussed and monitored by senior leaders at the school. The table below outlines how each element of the curriculum aims to support the achievement of its aims.

GHS Curriculum Vision

At Glenthorne our fundamental aim is to provide an Outstanding, Innovative & Inclusive education that exposes learners to the unfamiliar and enables "Achievement for All" through a curriculum that challenges, inspires and support every pupil to:

  Subject & PSHE Lessons/ & Immersion Days Whole School, Year and House Assemblies Extra-Curricular & Enrichment Programme Tutor-Time Wellbeing Fit for FEET! Tutor-Time Broadening Horizons Tutor-Time Reading Tutor-Time Debate/ Oracy Homework Careers Education
1. Secure excellent academic outcomes X X X X X X X X X X
2. Experience broad, deep and powerful knowledge-rich learning X X X     X X X X  
3. Engage in a wide variety of extra and super-curricular learning opportunities X X X     X X X X X
4. Develop effectively the skills, habits and qualities essential for success in Future Education, Employment & Training (FEET) X X X X X X X X X X
5. Understanding their cultural, social, moral, and personal development X X X X X X X X X X

KS3 Curriculum

At KS3, the ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum builds on progress made at KS2. It is mapped against the National Curriculum to ensure that pupils master essential knowledge and skills in Maths, English and foundation subjects to develop a solid foundation for future learning. Fundamental concepts and knowledge are taught logically to ensure that pupils develop a deep understanding of the content covered. 

Our KS3 curriculum goes well beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. It is an exciting and inspirational curriculum which explicitly links a variety of subjects to our chronological History curriculum in order to develop an appreciation of our rich cultural heritage by teaching pupils about great historical figures and important artistic, literary and musical movements through time. It aims to ensure that pupils are exposed to powerful knowledge, develop broad schemata and gain a greater understanding of significant cultural periods, such that the whole curriculum is greater than the sum of its parts. 

In order to facilitate the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum, we also provide several morning enrichment opportunities in KS3 to extend and challenge our learners, including Dance, Drama, Music theory and a second language. The year 7-9 curriculum is further enriched by the planning and implementation of Immersion Days that deepen understanding and knowledge of local history, democracy, revolution, sexual health and field work. 

The development of reading, writing and oracy are also evident throughout the curriculum. All subjects are responsible for developing these essential life skills, providing opportunities for discussion, debate and explicitly teaching the skills required for success in future education, employment and training. The library is at the heart of the school, with pupils experiencing a sequenced programme of library lessons throughout KS3 during English curriculum time to develop key skills such as critical thinking and responsible research. The library organises an extensive, year-round programme of events and author visits to engage pupils throughout KS3, 4 & 5 and develop a life-long love of reading. 

In the classroom, pupils are set by ability in English, Maths, Science and MFL. Set changes happen regularly to ensure that all pupils are appropriately challenged. All other subjects are taught in tutor groups in Y7 and Y8, including PSHE, forming coherent social and learning groups comprising pupils of all abilities and backgrounds. 

Numeracy and literacy catch-up for identified pupils in years 7 and 8 is delivered through a high-quality curriculum, by specialist teachers to ensure that all KS3 pupils develop the skills that enable access to the full curriculum. The points at which mathematical concepts and cross-curricular content are introduced in STEM subjects are shared across departments to ensure a coherent approach for pupils.


By the middle of year 8, many pupils have a clear idea of the subjects that they like the most and the least, and we believe that offering choice at this stage develops pupil independence and engagement through greater ownership of their own learning, which ultimately raises achievement for all. We therefore ask pupils to select their option subjects to begin in year 9, with the majority following the EBACC curriculum. 

We place great importance on the benefits of the EBACC subjects for our pupils as the study of Maths, English, Sciences, Humanities and MFL are closely linked to success in Further Education, Employment & Training and we are well on track to meet the DFE’s ambitious targets in this area with 80% of our current year 9 cohort studying this combination of subjects. All pupils also study a minimum of two Science GCSE awards and a significant majority study triple science with identifications for Triple Science being made halfway through year 9. 

However, in order to maintain a broad and balanced curriculum, all pupils also study PSHE, PE and at least one chosen performing or creative arts subject. In addition they are also able to select from a wide range of KS4 subjects in order to nurture and foster their own personal talents and interests. 

The essence of the options system is guided choice within a framework to ensure breadth and balance. During the first half term of year 9, pupils are able to move between subjects within option blocks thereby ensuring satisfaction with their options choices. 

During year 9 we continue to ensure that pupils have full access to the content of the National KS3 curriculum through our Humanities rotation which means that, although pupils may decide not to select Geography, History or RS as a GCSE option, they continue the study of these important subjects up until the beginning of year 10. 

KS4 Curriculum  

At KS4 all departments enrich their curricula to ensure that pupils are introduced to knowledge and skills beyond the GCSE specification through our GCSE+ curriculum. This supports pupil wellbeing as it allows them to develop skills and knowledge in more depth prior to facing the pressures of KS4 assessment and enables them to become KS5 ready. Adaptive teaching, interleaving and memorisation strategies are embedded to enhance knowledge acquisition for pupils of all abilities and opportunities for independent learning, such as the introduction of FLIP learning are prioritised. The sequencing of cross-curricular knowledge and specific terminology is planned to be delivered and referenced in a similar way, thus consolidating knowledge acquisition and developing schemata. 

KS5 Curriculum

At KS5, we offer a broad and creative curriculum with a large range of subjects at KS5 including A levels and BTEC qualifications. The KS5 curriculum is designed to prepare students for the independence required in Future Education, Employment and Training. Subject curricula are planned to ensure maximum progress, through effective sequencing, interleaving and continual assessment. Pupils are supported to develop their higher-level independent research skills and depth in their learning though the LEVEL 3 EPQ qualification and a significant number continue to study Core Maths in addition to their chosen A-Level subjects. 

At KS5 there is a great emphasis on independent, proactive study and the importance of hard work beyond the classroom, using the A-Level mindset framework: VESPA. Where appropriate, a flipped learning model is used to ensure students are prepared for their lessons and valuable class time is used to deepen understanding, discuss higher- order concepts and questions and apply and practise key skills. 

Year 12 pupils engage in a wide range of extra and super-curricular learning through the extensive enrichment programme which takes place on Wednesday afternoons and enables pupils to engage in a wide range of activities from beginners’ Italian, a variety of sports and reading for pleasure through the year 12 enrichment book club. 

‘Progression Pathways’ lessons are integrated into the curriculum to ensure that all sixth form students receive personalised support and guidance about quality university and apprenticeship pathways available to them when they leave Glenthorne. PSHE also remains a key feature of the curriculum in the sixth form, and it provides an important arena for discussion and pastoral support around the issues faced by young people today. 

All 6th form pupils are strongly encouraged to develop their leadership skills and contribute to the wider school community by applying to become a Head Student, Senior Prefect or House Captain, roles which have a range of foci to suit the talents and interests of the pupils and to give them specific responsibilities e.g. Arts Prefect, Sports Captain etc…members of the pupil Head Student team attend Governors’ welfare, standards and curriculum meetings to represent pupil voice and also lead the running of the School Council. 

Tutor-Time Curriculum

At Glenthorne, morning tutor-time is a fundamental part of our curriculum and an important vehicle for supporting the implementation of its aims. Through the whole-school curriculum we aim to challenge pupils to experience depth and breadth in their learning, to develop an appreciation and knowledge of cultural heritage, to become articulate communicators and effective self-managers of their own independent learning skills and wellbeing. 

For this reason, during tutor time, pupils follow a well-planned programme of high-quality learning activities, which develop progressively more complex knowledge and skills from year 7 through to year 13 and are tailored to their specific needs. Each year group has a timetable for the learning that will take place during tutor time on each day of the week, all of which include the following on a rotational basis, delivered by the tutors: 

  • Broadening Horizons (Powerful Knowledge) 

  • Fit for FEET! (Developing effective qualities, skills and habits for Future Education, Employment & Training) 

  • Reading (Reading for pleasure & exposure to classic English and American literature) 

  • Wellbeing (Emotional, Mental & Physical wellbeing) 

  • Debate & Oracy (Introduced in September 2021 to support oracy and appropriate interaction following lockdown as part of the whole school catch-up curriculum) 

  • Assemblies (Focusing on whole-school themes for the week) 

Broadening Horizons 

The Broadening Horizons programme exposes pupils to a broad range of learning outside the curriculum and focuses on exposure to powerful knowledge from Greek Mythology to Influential Architecture, Art and Music as well as more contemporary issues such as Influential Psychology Experiments. It seeks to expose pupils to the unfamiliar and aims to develop intellectual curiosity.

Fit for FEET! 

The Fit for FEET! Programme aims to encourage and develop explicitly a range of independent learning skills, habits and qualities in order to ensure that all pupils leave Glenthorne well-equipped for success in Further Education, Employment and Training (FEET), within the context of a constantly evolving twenty-first century employment market. Each year group has a specific focus and the programme aims to develop skills, habits and qualities sequentially and cumulatively. 

  • Year 7: Transition to High School 

  • Year 8: Taking Responsibility for Learning 

  • Year 9: Developing Skills to Enhance Learning 

  • Year 10: Developing into Independent Learners 

  • Year 11: becoming KS5 Ready 

  • Year 12: Introduction to A-Level Mindset 

  • Year 13: Are you fit for FEET!? 

Tutor-Time Reading Programme 

The aim of the tutor-time reading programme is to encourage reading for pleasure and increase knowledge of classic stories and literature with a focus on the story and key themes. Each year group will read three different titles with their tutor over the course of the year. These sessions are delivered by a combination of tutors reading aloud, audiobooks, pupils reading aloud as a class, individually or in pairs followed by a well-designed activity or quiz at the end of the term to reflect on their reading. Titles have been carefully selected by our award- winning librarian to ensure a mixture of reading for pleasure, titles with themes that support the year group Fit for FEET! foci and classics of British and American Literature. The full reading list for this programme for years 7-11 is outlined in our Curriculum Guide. 


Complementing aspects of the PSHE curriculum and Fit for FEET! Programme, the wellbeing tutor-time programme aims to equip pupils with strategies and resources to enable them to become effective self-managers of their own emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Through a mixture of discussion and practical activities tailored 

appropriately for each year group’s stage of development, pupils are encouraged to develop a range of skills, tools and habits to enable them to deal effectively and positively with life’s ups and downs, and enable them to work towards achieving a healthy work-life balance.


An integral part of our school community and daily life, coming together for whole-school, year group and house assemblies enables pupils to develop a sense of belonging and understand their place in the wider community. Focusing on themes for the week as outlined in the school calendar, pupils explore important issues such as national and international current affairs, British Values, the importance of celebrating the diversity of our school community as well as significant historical and cultural events. Assemblies also provide an opportunity for pupils to perform and to enjoy others’ performances from Music, Drama, Dance and PE. 

Cultural, Social, Moral and Personal Development

Pupils develop their understanding of cultural, social, moral and personal development through PSHE lessons and through the wider school curriculum. They develop an understanding of themselves and others that fully prepares them for life in modern Britain. There is a focus on British values and individuals’ rights and responsibilities, where pupils learn how their choices impact on themselves and the wider community. Throughout the curriculum pupils are challenged to engage with a significant range of experiences beyond the familiar, and through our House System and Performing Arts specialism they are strongly encouraged to take part in arts, sporting, and charity activities that helps to develop a sense of belonging to the school and the wider community.

Curriculum Implementation 

Through consistently high-quality teaching and learning, teachers and support staff implement our carefully planned curriculum to ensure “Achievement for All”. Our mantra for Teaching and Learning is “High Expectations, Engagement, Challenge and Progress” and this characterises the quality of education provided by the school. 


The typical length of the core school week is 33.3 hours.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment
08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time
08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1
09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2
10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break
11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3
12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4
13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch
14:05-15:05: Period 5 14:05-15:05: Period 5 14:05-15:05: Period 5 14:05-15:05: Period 5 14:05-15:05: Period 5
15:05-15:10: Registration 15:05-15:10: Registration 15:05-15:10: Registration 15:05-15:10: Registration 15:05-15:10: Registration










Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment 07:45-08:30: Enrichment
08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time 08:30-08:55: Assembly/Tutor Time
08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1 08:55-09:55: Period 1
09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2 09:55-10:55: Period 2
10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break 10:55-11:15: Break
11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3 11:15-12:15: Period 3
12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4 12:15-13:15: Period 4
13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch 13:15-14:05: Lunch
14:05-15:05: Period 5 14:05-15:05: Period 5 14:05-14:10: Registration 14:05-15:05: Period 5 14:05-15:05: Period 5
15:05-15:10: Registration 15:05-15:10: Registration   15:05-15:10: Registration 15:05-15:10: Registration
  15:10-16:10: Period 6*      
  *Period 6: Yr10-13 Only      











The school rigorously monitors the impact of our curriculum through a robust programme of monitoring which includes: 

  • Lesson observations in different classes/sets studying same topic, with lesson plans and schemes of work to hand and see how lesson plans fit in with schemes of work and the impact on progress. 

  • Line management discussions about schemes of work to ensure the appropriate incorporation of interleaving, memorisation, challenge and agreed teaching strategies to deliver cross-curricular knowledge and skill. 

  • Work sampling 

  • Departmental deep dives 

  • Close tracking of pupil achievement 

  • Pupil Voice 

  • Attendance figures 

  • Destination data 

  • Pupils’ engagement with the Library 

  • Participation in extra and super-curricular learning 

  • External Reviews 

The GHS Curriculum Overview will be reviewed and updated in July 2024.